bergamot, benefits and dosage

bergamot, benefits and dosage

Bergamot Orange Benefits

Lowers Cholesterol

The Bergamot is a surprisingly nutritious citrus fruit that has a fresh scent and a very useful essential oil which is taken from the peel. Bergamot supplements are taken for several reasons including lowering cholesterol levels, blood sugar, reducing middle obesity and arterial stiffness.

Bergamot habitat

Native to South Asia, the bergamot orange or Citrus bergamia was exported to Calabria – Italy where it flourished and now the fruit is harvested for medicinal and commercial purposes. The fruit is the size of an orange but yellow in color. The juice is very sour and bitter, so it would be very hard to drink enough to get the benefits that can be gotten in the extract supplement.

Bergamot Lowers Cholesterol

Studies showed that bergamot lowered the total cholesterol levels in participants as well as the low-density lipoprotein (LDL) levels, which is a major factor for heart disease. It also raised the high-density lipoprotein (HDL) which is good and has protective benefits.

the  bergamot works by blocking the production of cholesterol in the liver. Without cholesterol, the liver is forced to find cholesterol that is stored in the bloodstream. Bergamot has compounds that are similar to commercial chemicals that are given to lower cholesterol.

Bergamot juice contains very large amounts of polyphenols. Brutelidin and Metilidin are two that directly inhibit the biosynthesis of cholesterol. Triglyceride levels were also lowered in the participants of these studies.


There are no guidelines for the dosage of Bergasterol, bergamot orange juice for high cholesterol, but usually 50 ml of juice is taken on an empty stomach once or twice a day for a month.

6 x ml 200 – BERGASTEROL bergamot juice – Made in Calabria

Pharmaceutical and herbal product – Bergasterol